
Initial supply

Genesis pool launch:

1648569600 Tue, Mar 29 2022 16:00:00 GMT+0000

Genesis pool end time:

1648915200 Sat, Apr 02 2022 16:00:00 GMT+0000

Genesis period represent the initial supply of PolyDogeDollar - PDD for the successful launch of PolyDogeDao. Initial mint of 80 001 PDD will be distributed for 4 days by 3 single asset staking pools - WMATIC, USDC and of course the Saint PolyDoge. There will be and one LP pool which is PDD-WMATIC. Each pool will have reward as follows: 9 000 PDD will be reserved for WMATIC, 9 000 PDD will be reserved for USDC, 8 000 PDD for the PolyDoge pool and 14 000 PDD for PDD-WMATIC LP pool. WMATIC and USDC staking pools have 2% deposit fee which will be used for initial liquidity with the remaining 40 000 PDD. With the remaining 1 PDD token team will create PDD-WMATIC pair creation.

Last updated