

Boardroom starts:

1649001600 Sun, Apr 03 2022 16:00:00 GMT+0000

Boardroom is the main place of the PolyDogeDAO where PolyDogeShare (PDS) are harnessed to work real hard. And like every hard work there is high reward for the most loyal Dogs. Here PDS are earning expansion rewards in form of PDD. Lets see how all this is happening. First of all there is epoch which is 6 hours during expansions and contractions. Second one is that the price feed oracle for TWAP is based on the average of PDD-WMATIC liquidity pool pair.

There are 2 phases of rewards:

  • During expansion periods (1 PDD > 1 WMATIC) The system keeps 60% of the expanded PDD supply for PDS boardroom stakers for each epoch expansion, 30% toward PolyDoge DAO Fund and 10% for dev team. Deposits and withdrawals of PDS or claimed PDD rewards at boardroom will lock PDS for 6 epochs and PDD rewards for 3 epochs.

  • During contraction periods (1 PDD < 1 WMATIC) The system keeps 60% of the expanded PDD supply for PDS boardroom stakers for each epoch expansion, 30% toward PolyDoge DAO Fund and 10% for dev team. Deposits and withdrawals of PDS or claimed PDD rewards at boardroom will lock PDS for 8 epochs and PDD rewards for 3 epochs.

DAO Fund delete 3% of its PDD reserves each full epoch below peg

PDD supply expansion as % of total PDD supply

Expansion rate below peg is one tenth of expansion rate above peg at current PDD supply

Depending on price of PDD, price of PDS or amount of locked value staked in boardroom the individual rewards may vary.

Last updated